FeedMe travels the world, working on organic farms and eating her way through nine countries

August 31, 2007

India Rail

I purchased an India Rail pass, and will be traveling around on that for the rest of the two weeks. My first trip I met up with a group of businessmen from Andar Pradesh, who were headed back on a 36 hour journey to their home state, after coming up to petition the government at Delhi. The asked the usual India questions: What does your father do? How much do you make? Are you married? Did your father give you permission to come on this trip. I like the nosy questions, as it gives me free reign to be horribly nosy in return. They were very nice, but rushed me off the train at the wrong stop (I just made it back on), they were very worried about me missing the Agra stop, but completely unfamiliar with Northern India Railways.

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